Our Gold
Unlike most gem and diamond mining, precious metal mining often creates toxic waste. Artisanal gold mining is the largest contributor to increasing mercury levels in our seas, not to mention the direct harm it causes to the miners and gold refiners that handle it. Mercury is a neurotoxin and can be very harmful to brain development. Its an environmental catastrophe that is building at an alarming rate.
Our goal is to increase joy while decreasing harm and for years we chose to use 100% recycled precious metals. It made sense, precious metals can easily be reused, and no new mining would be needed. While we still consider 100% recycled precious metals to be a more ethical alternative to standard, unknown origin gold, we no longer think it’s the most responsible choice for the environment, for our Earth. A good argument can be made to stop all gold mining and open the worlds vaults, so the tons of gold hidden away can be put into circulation however, this is not the reality we have. We must fastrack the development of cleaner mining practices.

Gold and other precious metals are, precious. They are of high value and will always be recycled, so by choosing 100% recycled gold a jeweller isn't actually increasing recycling. They are in-fact removing the recycled content from normal gold refining practices and this gap in the market is filled with more mined gold. Gold will continue to be mined whether a jeweller chooses to use 100% recycled gold or not, so its clear to see that choosing 100% recycled gold is not the answer to reducing the harmful effects of gold mining.

Most of the gold we use now is Australian gold. Its mixed with some recycled content, refined using state of the art, EPA certified furnaces, sourced from Australian businesses that are members of the International Responsible Jewellery Council. Australian mining laws are some of the most stringent in the world and Australian gold miners have lowered their Mercury emmissions to near zero. Supporting our local industry, working to create cleaner and greener gold is the most responsible way forward for Australian jewellery manufacturing.

We also support the use of Fairtrade certified and Fair-mined gold, two programs that aim to lower mercury use and other harmful effects of artisanal mining. Better Without Mercury is an amazing initiative started by The Ethical Metalsmiths who we have been working with for over 15 years. The work all these groups are doing to lower mercury use in artisanal gold mining around the world is incredibly important for the world’s ecosystems.

While Australian gold miners are leading the world in mercury emissions the CSIRO have been continuing development of technology that removes mercury use altogether. A semi-mobile test plant has been built and is being used in the Western Australian gold fields. The hope is that not only can the new techniques be utilized in Australia but that it can be shared with the rest of the world.

We believe Australian gold is the best choice for our customers, for our Australian jewellery business and for the environment. If, however you would prefer 100% recycled, Fairtrade certified, Fairmined or to reuse/recycle some of your own old gold please contact us and we can discuss different options. We are always available for discussion concerning Ethical/Sustainable jewellery as it’s our passion.